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Tag: Jacopo Camagni

The Vision Scarlet Witch

Marvel power couple THE VISION & SCARLET WITCH reunite in new miniseries this May

Writer Steve Orlando continues his spellbinding work on Scarlet Witch alongside artists Lorenzo Tammetta and Jacopo Camagni

The Marvel Rundown: SCARLET WITCH unleashes more chaos

Scarlet Witch returns in a brand new number one this week! Plus, more Marvel reviews of Blood Hunt #3 and Spider-Boy #8!

SCARLET WITCH #3 will feature the return of LORE

The upcoming SCARLET WITCH #3 will see a variant cover of the variant Scarlet Witch from the 90s. Set to take place during Steve Orlando and Jacopo Camagni's returning Scarlet Witch series, the series...
Scarlet Witch Variant Cover

SCARLET WITCH #1 variants highlight the most mystical of possibilities

Through the mystical door and into another adventure SCARLET WITCH #1 returns to Wanda Maximoff's solo adventures. Writer Steve Orlando is back to script alongside X-Men Red artist Jacopo Camagni. The comic comes with its...

SCARLET WITCH returns with another ongoing by writer Steve Orlando

The Scarlet Witch returns even though she never really had even left in the first place. After a successfully hyped-up Scarlet Witch 10-issue run that saw the hero bend reality and take on hero-request...

The Marvel Rundown: MARVEL’S VOICES: PRIDE #1 celebrates trans pride

Reviews of this week’s Marvel books, including the Marvel’s Voices: Pride #1 anthology, the conclusive Heroes Return #1, Gamma Flight’s debut & MORE!

Image announces urban fantasy maxiseries NOMEN OMEN

Image Comics announced a new maxiseries from writer and RPG creator Marco B. Bucci (Magna Veritas, Memento Mori) and artist Jacopo Camagni (X-Men Blue, Deadpool The Duck) on Wednesday. Bucci and Camagni will team up...

REVIEW: With Only 5 Issues, Is it Already the End for Deadpool the Duck?

When comic creators decide on doing a crossover, it’s pretty much guaranteed that shenanigans will ensue. When Marvel deemed that Deadpool and Howard the Duck should “join forces,” they might have taken that a...

NYCC ’16: DEADPOOL THE DUCK is coming from Marvel in 2017

Marvel's two comedic heroes collide this January

SDCC’13: Marvel Announce a Longshot Miniseries

Yeah, who would've thought it? Marvel have announced that in November they'll be publishing a new Longshot miniseries. Longshot! But this mini will be written by Chris Hastings and drawn by Jacopo Camagni, so perhaps...