Tag: house of x
The Marvel Rundown: BLACK WIDOW spins a new web, and GHOST-SPIDER faces an Act...
How do Natasha and Gwen fare this week?
HiX-Men Moment of the Week: Emma Frost tops the world
Emma Frost makes her dominating presence felt as a Krakoan diplomat.
Tilting at Windmills #276: Dear publishers, weekly comics still suck
Even a success story like HoX/PoX can bring headaches for retailers when it comes to ordering.
The Marvel Rundown: Does MARVEL COMICS #1000 earn its $10 price tag?
Does Marvel Comics #1000 pay proper homage to 80 years worth of stories?
HiX-Men Moment of the Week: Wolverine wants to do it all
Wolverine finally gets something to do in Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men story.
POWERS OF X #3 has a secret variant with some familiar characters
The cover includes alternate coloring for two featured heroes.
Cyclops is back to being the swoony, confident leader the X-Men need
Hot girl summer? More like Hot Cyclops 2019.
Review: House of X #2 has sound structures, but the science always needs heart
A greater sense of emotional authenticity applied to Moira's character could have made this issue completely soar.
Sales Charts: House of X, Walking Dead and The Joker light up July sales
A eclectic array of books led the charts in July, making for a strong month.
Hickman reveals huge typo in HOUSE OF X #2 timeline graphic (SPOILERS)
The corrected error clarifies the order of events in the Marvel Universe.
The Marvel Rundown: ABSOLUTE CARNAGE begins Marvel’s next event, and HOUSE OF X #2...
Discussion of Marvel's two biggest releases for the week, ABSOLUTE CARNAGE #1 and HOUSE OF X #2!
HOX/POX: X-Men for people who don’t like X-Men
Knock knock, it's me — an old X-Men fan who is excited about caring again!