Tag: harassment
Source Point Press relationship with Frank Gogol ignites controversy
Source Point Press's statement comes on the heels of Gogol's announcement of a defamation lawsuit against writer Malissa White.
Activision-Blizzard employees stage walkout in protest of harassment allegations
Activision-Blizzard employees strike following allegations of widespread harassment of female employees within the company.
BUFFY & ANGEL alums join Charisma Carpenter in detailing Joss Whedon misconduct
Carpenter came out in support of Justice League actor Ray Fisher with accusations of her own.
Dark Horse announces new anti-harassment and discrimination policies (UPDATED)
The policy changes come in the wake of last year's severing of ties with former editor Scott Allie.
New allegations against Scott Lobdell surface after RED HOOD departure announcement
The writer, who has worked consistently for DC for nearly a decade, first admitted to sexual harassment in 2013.
Dark Horse, Mignola and Richardson release statements regarding Scott Allie misconduct allegations
Dark Horse has severed all ties with the former EIC after harrowing abuse allegations emerged.
Multiple women accuse SPIDER-GWEN co-creator Jason Latour of misconduct (UPDATED)
The harassment allegations against Latour are the latest in a string of reports from across the comics industry.
FanX co-founder Bryan Brandenburg takes leave of absence after mishandling harassment complaints
A fairly huge story has been brewing on the convention scene all month regarding FanX - the huge pop culture event held twice yearly in Salt Lake City - its co-founder Bryan Brandenburg and...
Details about Pixar’s John Lasseter just get more and more depressing
More details have emerged about John Lasseter's behavior at and departure from Pixar, the cartoon behemoth he co-founded. It's all sad, depressing stuff.
Most important, perhaps, Rashida Jones has released a statement clarifying that she...
Pixar’s John Lasseter goes on leave of absence after ‘missteps’ – maybe that’s why...
Another day, another hero revealed as a knee grabbing, kiss stealing abuser who treated women as his property to fondle as he liked.
Only this time it's John Lasseter, the legendary head of Pixar.
That's right,...
Tilting at Windmills #265: #MeToo – When a Bathroom Makes Women Uncomfortable
By Brian Hibbs
So, this is kind of hard column to write, because it means being vulnerable and honest about issues that are genuinely hard to discuss, especially in the exact political climate we live...
Comics industry stands against harassment with #standwithchelseacain hashtag
Writer Chelsea Cain received overwhelming support after quitting Twitter yesterday, a cool t-shirt went on sale, and a bizarre truther movement sprang up. All you need to know about the current comics controversy!