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Tag: Emma Vieceli

ARCHAIC comic debut from Melissa F. Olson combines a sentient island with mythological natives

The AHOY comic by Melissa F. Olson, Sally Cantirino, and Gab Contreras tells a satire tale of a single mom living on a forgotten gods island

The 2000 AD ANNUAL returns after thirty years!

Rebellion has announced the return of the 2000 AD Annual after a hiatus of over thirty years – alongside the second release of their popular Treasury of British Comics Annual

A Year of Free Comics: BREAKS is the kind of long-running queer romance we...

BREAKS is an aching, slow-burn story that so far has stretched across four years and is still going strong

Emma Vieceli’s BREAKS webcomic censored by Apple for ‘overtly sexual’ content

Apple continues its crackdown on sexual content.

NYCC Panel Recap: Doing It the European Way

Moderated by Heidi MacDonald, this was a panel featuring a line-up of European artists discussing the rise and change in foreign comic markets. Panellists Stephanie Hans, Will Sliney, Emma Vieceli and Alvaro Martinez spoke...

SDCC’13: PIXIE!!! Oh, and Young Avengers: Afterparty

Announced at the Cup O' Joe Panel is Young Avengers: Afterparty, a two-issue jam comic which'll see Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie welcome in a number of other creators for some stories and dancing....

Kate Brown, Emma Vieceli and Paul Duffield Take Over the Tower of London

Well I suppose it was only a matter of time before they took over a castle of their own. We should've seen this coming. Today the Tower of London revealed that art from the...

INTERVIEW: From Dragons to Vampires to Super-Spies, with Emma Vieceli!

It's St George's Day today, so to celebrate here's an interview with the only other person on known record to have slain a dragon - Emma Vieceli, writer/artist for a number of graphic novels including...

Get a free BATES MOTEL graphic novel on iTunes

A&E has brought back the classic Psycho house with a modern day prequel to the events of that film: watch young Norman Bates overwhelmed by a weird his weird possessive mom, Norma. And now there's a graphic novel tie-in, written by a passel of folks—including show runner Carlton Cuse—and drawn by Emma Vieceli. It's a free download for iPad called Jiao's Story—at 72 pages it's a good value, although the person who emailed me this tip labeled it "misogynist." Haven't read it yet myself. here's the preview pages:

24 Hours of Women Cartoonists: Emma Vieceli

Writer, artist, and part-time jouster, Emma Vieceli is best known for her work with long-form works including Avalon Chronicles, Dragon Heir, and Vampire Academy. Brilliant at conveying excitement from her characters, her work has...