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Tag: edgar delgado

The Marvel Rundown: Marvel’s Voices gives us the ROBBIE REYES SPECIAL #1!

Ghost Rider: Robbie Reyes Special kicks October into high gear! Plus Star Wars: Battle of Jakku - Insurgency Rising, X-Men, and more!

The Marvel Rundown: The AVENGERS meet their TWILIGHT

It's our Rapid Rundown extravaganza, with quick reviews from the crew of Avengers: Twilight, Cable, and Jackpot!

The Marvel Rundown: SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN RETURNS… again!

Doc Ock makes a Superior turn, along with blurbs of this week's new Amazing Spider-Man, Capwolf, and more!
MARVEL’S VOICES: COMUNIDADES #1 Miles Morales Art by Luis Morocho

Carlos Hernandez and Luis Morocho make their Marvel Comics debut in MARVEL’S VOICES: COMUNIDADES

By now, you are probably familiar with Marvel Comics' Marvel's Voices line: last year, Marvel's Voices: Pride #1 was nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for Best Original Graphic Novel/Anthology. Beginning as a podcast hosted...

Learn HOW TO CREATE COMICS THE MARVEL WAY in Mark Waid’s new book

Publishers Marvel and Simon & Schuster are teaming for the new how-to guide, due out in stores next year.
Heroes Reborn

The Marvel Rundown: HEROES REBORN is Marvel’s best event in years

A review of the Heroes Reborn event so far, including its main story and tie-ins, plus a few issues from the Rapid Rundown!

The Marvel Rundown: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN’s “Negative Space” gives the series some much-needed levity

Reviews of this week's Marvel books, including a look at how Nick Spencer's AMAZING SPIDER-MAN run has evolved over the past year.

The Marvel Rundown: AMAZING SPIDER-MAN finally unleashes Kindred on the webhead

Reviews of this week's books, including Amazing Spider-Man #50, the latest chapters of the X of Swords crossover, and more!

The Marvel Rundown: Raise some hell on Krakoa with the HELLIONS

Discussion and reviews of this week's new Marvel comics, including Giant-Size X-Men: Nightcrawler #1, Amazing Spider-Man #42, and more!

The Marvel Rundown: STRANGE ACADEMY welcomes you to Marvel’s world of magic

Plus reviews of other new Marvel Comics titles, including Spider-Man Noir, Magnificent Ms. Marvel, Marauders, and more!

Marvel’s STRANGE ACADEMY #1 gets a digital director’s cut

The special edition features the full script and uncolored art for the issue, among other things.

EMPYRE gets Avengers and Spider-Man-centric tie-in books

The first of what are sure to be many tie-ins for Marvel's first 2020 event.