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Tag: drawing injuries

GET A GRIP!: How Experimenting with with Different Stylus Grips Can Keep Your ...

GET A GRIP! is a column dedicated to exploring all the health issues that keep us from making comics in all its forms. Sure, musculoskeletal or nerve injuries are the first things that come to...

GET A GRIP!: Don’t Injure Your Anatomical Snuff Box!

Health science educator Kriota Willberg tells you about the surprising hand injury that may lie in your future if you're an artist (or avid texter)

GET A GRIP!: 5 Things You Can Do To Reduce Drawing Pain

Health science educator Kriota Willberg has some important tips that artists (and everyone who sits at a desk) can appreciate

GET A GRIP!: Nate Piekos on recovering from his arm injury – Part Two

In Part 2 Nate talks about his workday as an injured artist, why he decided to tell his clients he was injured, and what chronic pain is like for him.

GET A GRIP!: Healing by Millimeters – Nate Piekos on how lettering injured his...

    Nate Piekos, the founder of blambot.com, has created some of the comics industry’s most popular fonts, lettering comic books for Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics, Image Comics, as well as...