Tag: curb stomp
Review: Punk rock and questionable choices are the ties that bind in Curb Stomp...
The time period of Boom Studio's limited series Curb Stomp is somewhat tough to pin down. The clothing styles vacillate from the 50s through the 70s, which of course form the template for the hot styles of today. The convenience stores have a modern look, as does the one television set I spotted (there's nary a cell phone or a computer to be found). At least for now, it doesn't really matter: Curb Stomp traffics in a genre defined by the pulp novels and exploitation films of those aforementioned eras, so it makes sense that the look of it is something of a review of these periods.
Curb Stompage, Tiger Law and More with Ryan Ferrier [Interview]
By Matt O'Keefe
Ryan Ferrier jumpstarted his comic book writing career with the self-published Tiger Lawyer in 2010. In it he playfully poked at the wide breadth of interpretations of licensed characters, both story-wise and artistically, by splitting...