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Tag: Bob Quinn

Government mutant team X-FACTOR returns in new ongoing series

New series from writer Mark Russell and artist Bob Quinn brings arrives this August
Kill Your Darlings

KILL YOUR DARLINGS emerges from Image Comics this September

The dark fantasy adventure is the debut ongoing series from 'Supple Boiz' Ethan S. Parker and Griffin Sheridan
Alligator Loki

Watch your hands: ALLIGATOR LOKI to make the leap to print

Call the TVA and keep your hands inside the vehicle, because Alligator Loki is making his way across the Bifrost to your LCS.
X-Men 92 cover Jubilee and Wolverine

The Marvel Rundown: X-MEN ’92: HOUSE OF XCII hella sparkles with its ’90s aesthetic

This week, the dream is alive in the 1990s. Jubilee is ready to electrify with a new move in X-Men '92: House of XCII! Plus, we’ve got rapid reviews of Knights of X #2, Darth Vader #23, and Ms. Marvel: Bottled...

The Marvel Rundown: Nightcrawler searches for his path in WAY OF X #1

Willkommen to another edition of the Marvel Rundown! For our main book this week, we're covering the debut issue of the latest entrant into Krakoa, Si Spurrier and Bob Quinn's Way of X #1, an issue I've been anticipating greatly...

Danny Lore & Luciano Vecchio take over Marvel’s CHAMPIONS in April

The new creative team will continue the "Outlawed" status quo for Marvel's young heroes established by outgoing writer Eve L. Ewing last year.

WAY OF X, Marvel’s newest Reign of X title, coming from Spurrier & Quinn

“Way of X is a smart, psychedelic tale about faith, science, culture, love and law. And Bamfing."