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Amos Burton (Wes Chatham) and Clarissa Mao (Nadine Nicole) rejoin the Roci in "Nemesis Games"

RECAP: THE EXPANSE S5E10 — “Nemesis Games”

"Nemesis Games" concludes a season that was simultaneously great and mediocre.
Chrisjen Avasarala (Shohreh Aghdashloo) ponders the future of her planet in "Winnipesaukee"

RECAP: THE EXPANSE S5E9 — “Winnipesaukee”

THE EXPANSE is full of characters making decisions this episode and possibly reaching points of no return.
Bobbie Draper (Frankie Adams) picks up Naomi's fake distress call in "Hard Vacuum"

RECAP: THE EXPANSE S5E8 — “Hard Vacuum”

THE EXPANSE gets into intense territory in "Hard Vacuum".
Filip Inaros (Jasai Chase Owens) is on Marco's side in "Down and Out"

RECAP: THE EXPANSE S5E5 — “Down and Out”

The cast of THE EXPANSE (with one notable exception) battles everything from collapsing buildings to pompous exes in "Down and Out."
Camina Drummer (Cara Gee) is back on THE EXPANSE

Recap: THE EXPANSE S5E2 — “Churn”

Monica gets grabbed, Amos revisits his home city, Chrisjen is tired of bureaucrats and Camina finds an old friend's ship.
expanse "exodus"

Recap: THE EXPANSE S5E1 — “Exodus”

The Expanse is back with an episode that lays the groundwork for what comes after.
The crew of the Roci are on a new adventure on The Expanse

REVIEW: THE EXPANSE Season 4 gets away from itself, but it’s still worth watching

At least, the first six episodes aren't quite up to the series' past standard of excellence.