Nickelodeon Magazine will be presenting their own variation of R. Sikoryak’s cartoon carousel which has been delighting audiences here in NYC for a few years. Now you can see just how thrilling it is!
Nickelodeon Comic Carousel: Interactive cartoon slideshows
At the San Diego Comic Con
Friday 3:30-4:30 in Room 1B
Featuring plenty of gags, goofiness, and audience participation. Definitely for kids and alt-comics-loving adultsChris Duffy and Dave Roman give a quick overview on Nick Mag¹s history of publishing the best in alternative comics for kids.
R. Sikoryak.(RAW) reads his comic strip bending, ³Real FUNNY Estate² then asks the audience if they can identify the comic strips and characters involved.
Sam Henderson (Magic Whistle) creates a soundtrack for pantomime classic “Scene But Not Heard” then asks volunteers from the audience to improve their own.
James Kochalka (Monkey Vs. Robot) reads a collection of his popular Impy and Wormer comic strips and his SpongeBob comics as well!
Johnny Ryan (Angry Youth Comix) and Steve Weissman (Yikes!) face off against Deep Orange, Nickelodeon¹s advanced cartooning computer! Audience reaction will determine whether technology can outwit humanity when it comes to creating gag cartoons.