Earlier this week, a new story trailer for the Injustice 2 game was released. We now know: the game’s big bad will be Brainiac, three editions of the game are available for pre-order, and there’s a countdown till the next character is revealed via Twitch on the game’s website. A new piece of info has surfaced; fans will get to test the game ahead of its upcoming May 16 release date.
Toda,y Ed Boon tweeted out a sign up where fans can get access to an upcoming beta for Injustice 2. There no details on what it will consist of or when this will take place, smart money would put it in early April. It’s also worth noting this is one of the first tests for a major game in recent memory that was on multiple platforms and didn’t make you pre-order the game in order to take part. Go to beta.Injustice.com to register for an access key when the test goes live.
Injustice 2 will be released on PS4 and Xbox One on May 16, 2017.
I love injustice 2 i like to play fighter games
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