The upcoming four-issue series DEPROG, co-created by Tina Horn (SfSx) and Lisa Sterle (Witchblood), stars Tate Debs, “a hardboiled, hard-drinking, leather-loving dyke detective with an office in the back of Los Angeles’s last video store.”

Featuring colors by Gab Contreras (Trve Kvlt), covers by DANI (The Low Low Woods), lettering & design by Apparatus Revolution and presented by Dead Sky Publishing, the first issue arrive arrives at your Local Comic Shop (LCS) on March 20th, 2024. However, you can get your first look at the series right here, today at The Beat.



Here’s the description of DEPROG from the publisher:

“Deprog is a new detective thriller from Horn and Sterle that’s John Constantine meets Jessica Jones with a kinky Midsommar twist. Meet Tate Debs, a hardboiled hard drinking leather loving dyke detective with an office in the back of Los Angeles’s last video store. Tate specializes in rescuing and deprogramming people from abusive groups with extreme beliefs — like the one Tate herself escaped, that believed in inter-dimensional travel and taboo ritual sex. When a femme named Vera, who may just be fatale, hires Tate to infiltrate a group of mystical hippies out in the desert, she must decide if Vera’s charms are worth being re-traumatized. Soon, Tate must face her past out of devotion to the femme she may be falling for… and a single minded drive to avenge her family.”

Preorder Today

The first of four DEPROG issues will on March 20th. To ensure your copy, be sure and get in touch with your LCS before the first issue’s preorder cutoff date, Wednesday, January 24th, 2024.

Will you be picking up all four issues of DEPROG? What do you think of the preview pages included below? The Beat wants to hear from you! Be sure and give us a shout-out in the comment section and let us know what you’re thinking.