Diamond Comics Distributors bankruptcy filing this morning set off a seismic bomb in the comics industry. My DMs have been off the charts all day; I had to turn off notifications just to work on this article. We’ll have a more analytical piece tomorrow but for now some facts gleaned from court filings and social media postings.
As one FB commenter put it, “this feels like the safety rails are gone,” and the comics industry is entering a new phase, the Post Diamond era.
Lunar: The distro announced they would pick up Diamond’s FOC orders for 1/13, with a caveat or two. Image Comics has been available via Diamond as a sub-distributor but It seems unlikely that they will continue to be available.
Due to Diamond’s announcement today, Lunar will be accepting late 1/13 Image FOC orders from customers to fulfill their existing order placed with Diamond. Orders placed solely through Diamond will not be fulfilled. All 1/13 orders must be placed through Lunar. Image will be printing based on all order numbers that were received yesterday across all distributors. You must place your updated 1/13 Image order through Lunar by 1/15/2025 5:00 PM EST for your order to be covered.
To place your Image 1/13 FOC order, go to the New Order page. Scroll down on the FOC Due Dates filter to find Past Dates listed. Select 1/13 and type “Image” in the Publisher search box. Any ratio variants that FOC’d on 1/13 will need to be added for you through customer service. Please email your ratio variant request, including the product code and quantity, along with any questions to xxxxxxxxxx
Filings: Diamond’s bankruptcy filings are available and run to hundreds of pages. The most immediately interesting one is the list of the top 30 unsecured creditors, which is led by Penguin Random House, to the tune of more than $9 million. The second company on the list is Bandai, with only less than half of that owed, $4.4 million.
Seven creditors are owed more than $1 million, but only one is a publisher, PRH. Most of the companies on the list are toy companies, suggesting that the shift to carrying other kinds of merchandise was in full swing. Other top creditors who sell books include
Disney Consumer Products ($1,712,447), Simon & Schuster ($600,144), Lunar Distribution ($496,967), Viz Media ($421,204), Titan Publishing ($357,417), Square Enix ($315,295), Dynamic Forces (Dynamite) $217,317 and Udon Entertainment $202,694. Please note that most of those companies also sell toys so the debt may not be all comics.
Here’s the Top 30 in table form.
Company | Unsecured Claim |
PRH | $9,202,181 |
Bandai | $4,438,743 |
NECA | $2,682,994 |
Kin Kin Mould | $1,811,934 |
Todd McFarlane Productions Intl. | $1,734,814 |
Disney Consumer Products | $1,712,447 |
Hasbro | $1,064,378 |
Wizards of the Coast | $914,601 |
Exceeding Partnership Solutions | $843,496 |
Little Buddy | $694,628 |
Simon & Schuster | $600,144 |
Bandai Namco | $576,072 |
Lunar Distribution | $496,967 |
UPS | $476,398 |
Viz Media | $421,204 |
Catalyst Games | $401,483 |
Army Painter | $386,925 |
ARA | $378,827 |
Titan Publishing | $357,417 |
Square Enix | $315,295 |
Microsoft | $307,816 |
Pokémon Company | $280,375 |
Transcontinental | $243,541 |
Beast Kingdom | $237,903 |
Funko | $237,631 |
Publishers Services | $223,140 |
Dynamic Forces | $217,317 |
Pai | $211,331 |
Udon Entertainment | $202,694 |
Super 7 | $163,686 |
Some other tidbits from the filings: Diamond lists four subsidiary companies which are consolidating the filings, Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc., Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles, LLC, Comic Holdings, Inc., and Comic Exporters, Inc. These are owned 99% by non-debtor SG Resource LLC, and 1% by non-debtor Stephen A. Geppi Revocable Trust.
Interestingly, Diamond $41 million loan from Chase is secured by Debtor Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles, LLC (“DST”), and non-debtor affiliates Rosebud Entertainment, LLC (“Rosebud”), Game Consolidators, LLC (“Consolidators”), and Renegade Games, LLC (“Renegade”), all listed as guarantors and all various companies own by Steve Geppi or his corporations in some form. For instance, Rosebud Entertainment formerly published Baltimore Magazine.
There is a long list of affected companies, but just to give you an idea of how many comics publishers will be affected by this, here’s a list of “Key Customers” those who bought from Diamond:
Key Customers
2428392, Inc. dba FYE
Amazon.com, Inc.
Animextreme Inc.
Baker & Taylor Books, Inc.
Barnes & Noble, Inc.
Booktopia Direct Pty Ltd (Air)
Booktopia Pty Ltd
Boom Entertainment, Inc.
BZVirtual LLC
Chaos Pop Pty Ltd
Cosmic Comics, Inc.
DCBS, Inc.
Diamond Select Toys & Collectibles, LLC
Distribution Universe, Inc.
Dorksidetoys, Inc.
Dynamic Entertainment, LLC
Electronics Boutique Canada, Inc. Entertainment Earth, Inc.
Harrison’s Comics & Collectibles, Inc. Heathside Trading Ltd
Idea and Design Works, LLC
Image Comics, Inc.
Indigo Books and Music, Inc.
Indy Comics LLC
Ingram Book Group LLC
Kadokawa World Entertainment, Inc. Kaiba Corporation
Kieren Consulting, LLC
Lone Star Comics, Inc.
Malta Comics & Collectibles, Inc.
Marvel Entertainment, LLC
Replay Toys LLC
Rosebud Entertainment LLC
Source Point Press, LLC
Sure Thing Sales LLC
Terminal Distribuzione S.R.L.
The Marmaxx Group, Inc.
The Westfield Company, Inc.
THG OnDemand Limited
Things From Another World, Inc.
Torpedo Comics Vintage & Trade, Inc.
Valiant Entertainment, LLC
Walgreen Co.
And a list of “Consignment Parties, which includes publishers who have been out of business for a while – Diamond was still selling backstock.
Consignment Parties
12 Gauge Comics LLC
801 Media Inc
A Wave Blue World, Inc. Ablaze Publishing
Abstract Studios, Inc.
Action Lab Entertainment, Inc.
Aftershock Comics, LLC
Ahoy Comics, LLC
Ait/Planetlar Publishing, LLC
Albatross Funnybooks
Alien Books, LLC
Alley Cat Games, LLC
American Mythology Productions, LLC
Antarctic Press
Ape Entertainment, LLC
Apex Publishing, LLC
Arcane Wonders, LLC
Archaia Studios Press, LLC
Archie Comic Publications, Inc.
Ares Games Srl
Artists Writers & Artisans, Inc.
Aspen MLT, Inc.
Avatar Press, Inc.
Bad Egg, LLC
Bandai Entertainment Inc.
Battle Quest Comics, LLC
Bedside Press
Behemoth Entertainment, LLC
Benitez Productions
Black Mask Comics
Black Panel Press, Inc.
Blind Ferret Entertainment, Inc.
Boom Entertainment, Inc.
Bundoran Press Publishing House
Burning Wheel, Inc.
Capstone Games, LLC
Catalyst Game Labs, LLC
Chaosium, Inc.
Chizine Publications
Clover Press, LLC
Compass Games, LLC
Cryptozoic Entertainment, LLC
Dan Verssen Games
Dark Horse Comics, LLC
Dave Taylor Miniatures
Davinci Editrice Srl
DC Comics
Desperado Publishing
Dex Protection, LLC
Dietz Foundation
Difference Engine Pte Ltd
Digital Manga Distribution, Inc.
Dire Wolf Digital, LLC
Draco Studios
Drawn & Quarterly
Drinking Quest/Jason Wiseman
Dstlry Media, Inc.
Dynamic Forces, Inc.
Elf Greek Games
Eros Comix
Eureka Productions
Fairsquare Graphics, LLC
Fanroll, LLC
Fantagraphics Books, Inc.
Fiery Studios, Inc.
Folded Space Eood
Frank Miller Presents, LLC
G.T. Labs
Gamelyn Games, LLC
Gen Manga Entertainment, Inc.
Genius Games, LLC
Gold Key Entertainment
Good Games Publisher, LLC
Good Trouble Productions, LLC
Goodman Games, LLC
Pennsylvania State University Press (Graphic Mundi)
Graphitti Designs
Green Ronin Publishing
Gungnir Entertainment, Inc.
Gut Bustin Games, LLC
Hammerdog Games, LLC
Happy Camper, LLC
Heavy Metal Magazine
Hermes Press
Hit Point Press, LLC
Humanoids, Inc.
Hush Hush Projects/Dara Studios
IDW Publishing
Top Shelf Productions (IDW Publishing)
Image Comics, Inc.
Incredible Dream Studios, Inc.
Indie Boards & Cards, LLC
Stronghold Games, LLC
Joe Books Ltd
Jordan Games
Left Justified LLC
Les Editions Pix’N Love
Lev Gleason Publications
Lion Forge, LLC
Lionwing Publishing Ltd
Living The Line
Locust Moon Press
Loren Coleman
Lucky Duck Games
Lulu Is A Rhinoceros, LLC
Luminary Games
Mad Cave Studios
Magma Comix
Magnetic Press Inc.
Manga Classics, Inc.
Mantic Entertainment Ltd
Marvel Entertainment, LLC
Massive Publishing
Mayday Games
Monte Cook Games
Moonstone Publishing Mr. B Games
NBM Publishing Netcomics
Night Shade Books
Norma Editorial S.A.
North Star Games, LLC
Nauvoo Games
Oni Press, Inc.
Opus Comics Ltd
Paizo Inc.
Panini UK Ltd
Papercutz Inc.
Pegamoose Press
Penguin Random House LLC
Primal Horizon
Prime Books LLC
Quest Kids LLC (DBA Treasure Falls Games)
Rabbit Publishers
Radical Publishing
Reaper Miniatures
Red Giant Entertainment Inc.
Renaissance Press
Renegade Game Studios, LLC
Resonym, LLC
Roll For Combat, LLC
S7 Games
Scout Comics
Sea Lion Books
Seven Seas Ghost Ship
Skyscraper Studios Inc. (DBA Roll For Combat)
Slave Labor Graphics
Smirk & Dagger Games
Soaring Penguin Press
Source Point Games
Source Point Press
Starburns Industries Press
Storm King Productions, Inc.
Sumerian Comics
Twisted Comics (Formerly TPub)
Tasty Minstrel Games
Teeturtle, LLC
Th3rd World Studios
The Army Painter
The Little Plastic Train Company
Thorny Games
Titan Comics
Tokyopop Inc.
Toonhound Studios LLC
Twomorrows Publishing
Udon Entertainment Inc.
University Games Corporation
Valiant Entertainment, LLC
Van Ryder Games
Vault Comics
Wargames Atlantic
Warlord Games Ltd
Wicked Cow Studios LLC
Wildside Press LLC
William M Gaines, Inc. (Via Gems)
William M. Gaines, Agent, Inc.
Worldsforge Private Ltd
Wyrm Publishing
Yaoi Press LLC
Z2 Comics
Zenescope Entertainment Inc.
Zombie Love Studios
In short, there is almost no facet of the comics industry that this change is not going to affect.
The New Era begins.
More to come…….
Why would any publisher, who depends on Diamond to get their product to market, still do business with them after this?
Best case scenario seems to be unwinding diamond’s obligations and selling every single piece to the highest bidder.
Will all of the upcoming changes end with us getting honest to goodness sales charts? One can hope.
Shutting down Diamond means, after the large creditors and lawyers get paid, taking pennies on the dollar. Small publishers wouldn’t see payments for years. The best option is Diamond is purchased by a third party, the creditors paid, and a more efficient and profitable company remains. Second would be Chapter 7 restructuring under a court appointed manager. They’d negotiate lower payments to creditors, bring in a new management team, and in general keep the wolves away long enough to get back on their feet. Would publishers continue to work with Diamond? I think so.
“Second would be Chapter 7 restructuring under a court appointed manager. They’d negotiate lower payments to creditors, bring in a new management team, and in general keep the wolves away long enough to get back on their feet.”
I don’t think that’s exactly accurate. Chatper 7 bankruptcy is the so-called “liquidation” version of bankruptcy, for business that are deemed beyond saving and have to sell off everything they own in order to pay something to their creditors.
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is the so-called “reorginaztion” version, where the company continues to operate, while reorganizing its business, debts, etc., etc. in the hope of emerging as a viable business afterward. That’s what Diamond has filed and what (presumably) they’re hoping to accompish, and if they can’t successfully re-organize, that’s maybe when Chapter 7 liquidation will happen.
Anyway, both Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 bankruptcy involve court-appointed supervision, so that’s not a meaningful distinction.
What would be helpful is discerning between different forms of bankruptcy when covering this story. They are not collapsing the company, they are Restructuring it for a sell off of all the various Diamond divisions. There will be a New Diamond Distro and this may be the best thing to happen to Indie Comics. The big 2 have all new distros so they are irrelevant to this whole affair and wont be affected by this Restructuring at all.
The most important takeaways from this debacle is NO COMICS ARE NOT DYING, and This may just be the start of an epic new era for Indie Comics Publishers.
Maybe the new owners of New Diamond will see the sales potential in Indie Comics, especially those who have major successes on Kickstarter. Perhaps they will make attempts to bring Indie Creators into their new distro model, and MAYBE that will include in-house print on demand services directly to retailers!
There will not be a more profitable version of Diamond Comics. Have you seen how much money they owe people, and that’s not even accounting for the fact that the brand is shot? Lunar and Penguin Random House and direct distribution will eat the rest of Diamond’s market share.
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