Announced a few Image Expo‘s ago, Brian K. Vaughn (Y: The Last Man) and Marcos Martin (Spider-Man) finally released their special Walking Dead one-shot, titled: The Walking Dead: The Alien. The 31-page one-shot set in Spain is available now via Panel Syndicate. The story is set only a few weeks into the outbreak of zombies and follows Martin and Vaughn’s previous work on Panel Syndicate, Barrier and The Private Eye. The pair have also worked together on the landmark mini-series for the character, Doctor Strange: The Oath. The work is available via a name-your-price download– Vaughn has stated in the past that he would appreciate the price of a normal comic, $2.99 to be the price point for the average title, but the work can be downloaded now for free. The Private Eye, a digital series is now available in print via everywhere where books are sold. Comics Alliance has more details.
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