
§ How Jeffrey Brown scripts (via Sean T. Collins).


§ How on earth did we miss this interview with Jim Stanley, son of John, on the upcoming D+Q John Stanley Library?

Asked about what continues to attract new readers to his father’s work after so many years, Stanley told me, “I think the answer to that is the same for any enduring material that continues to draw new generations of fans: good writing that is basically funny/scary/moving enough that most can relate to it, regardless of their age or background.

“I first realized he had a following when my friend and I tagged along with him to Boston Comic Con in ’76,” Jim said of realizing how influential his father was among comics fans. “Besides having the time of my life being fourteen and running around with no supervision, I remember him on the dais, answering questions with Carl Barks. Later on, he told me about a few hard-core fans who would write him regularly and I noticed a fanzine sent to him, The Stanley Steamer. By then it had sunk in.”

§ Can a two blogger household survive? Having mastered the art of Twitter, Future Mr. Beat has taken it to the next level.