Based on the current Rebirth designs of Jason Fabok and sculpted by Paul Harding, all four of these DC Essentials figures come highly detailed and with 21-points of articulation. As the DC website states, “DC Essentials is a line of 6.75 inch action figures based on DC characters with universal appeal, accessible to both long-time collectors and those just starting out.” For this month, DC Collectibles have given us Superman, Aquaman, Brainiac, and Black Manta.
The coloring and finishes also highlight the degree of care put into their designs. Black Manta for example has a glossy look to his body, pointing to the fact that his costume is a diver’s suit. In comparison, Superman’s look is more like a matte finish, with the exception of his boots which have a similar gloss to that of Black Manta, simulating the look of shiny leather. Similarly, his cape which appears to be made of rubber for the figure is colored to simulate the look of felt.
I had a great deal of fun testing the figures’ articulation and seeing what sort of poses I could get them into. I was able to have all four of them stand on their own, but Superman was definitely the most difficult to have stay upright. Most likely, the added weight of his cape (which I found to be not removable) threw off his center of balance. I eventually got him to stay put only when I settled on having him slouch forward.
The added accessories for Aquaman and Black Manta were nice touches. Once I had successfully wrestled with their stiff hands, I found they held on to them fairly well. To my surprise, I discovered that Black Manta also came with his two-bladed gun, tucked discreetly behind his back. Be careful though, as the points are a tad, er, pointy; definitely not meant to be played with by children. Also, it would be easy to lose his two large daggers and the bladed gun, so I would keep them together with the figure at all times.
My favorite part about these DC Essentials figures has to be the details in their facial expressions. Save for Black Manta whose helmet acts as his head, the faces are so well done that they can be photographed up close and still be awed at. Wonderful job in both design and manufacturing.
Retailing for $26 USD, be sure to pick up some of these fine additions to anyone’s DC collection.