Comics Crowdfunding Roundup hero

Welcome to this week’s installment of The Beat’s Comics Crowdfunding Round-Up! Join us for a look into a crossover 15 years in the making, an Apollyon class event, and a new sci-fi adventure from the mind of a veteran sci-fi hero!

Epiphany Engine

Creators: Advent Comics
Goal: $51,300
End Date: July 19
Goodies: Get the digital copy for $25, the physical paperback for $40, multiple variants for $40, and at higher tiers get the Kickstarter exclusive covers, prints, posters, t-shirts and more!

The EPIPHANY ENGINE project represents a long discussed collaboration between Advent Comics CEO Tony Kittrell and other Comic Book Publishers such as Danny J. Quick 4th Wall Productions, Roosevelt Pitt Amara Entertainment, Michael Watson Freestyle Komics, Tyler Forrest Martin Godhood Comics, Jiba M. Anderson Griot Enterprises, Lonzo Starr Konkret Comics, Bradley Golden Second Sight Publishing, Tyrone Jackson Sovereign Comics, Sebastian A. Jones Stranger Comics, Andre Batts Urban Style Comics, Brian J. Lambert Wingless Comics, Frederick Littles Wise Acre Comics and many others. The different companies and creators wanted to come together to tell an engrossing, entertaining story plus bring along what they felt was some of the great talent already burning up the Black Comics scene.

Advent Comics has been an important part of the comic scene for 15 years, what better way to celebrate 15 years of brilliant work then to attempt a bold project. They took that idea and they are delivering. 12 different comic publishers representing different awards such as the Will Eisner Awards, the Ringo Awards, the Hugo Awards, and the largest collection of Glyph Comics Awards winners and nominees in a single publication. The book even includes prestigious television and film awards such as the American Film Institute Award and the Writer’s Guild of America. To add even more prestige to the project, there’s even a property in this crossover that is part of the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Museum of African Art! At The Beat, we need to express how fantastic this project is, you do not want to miss out on it!

Become a backer here. 


Creators: S.D.Locke (Writer), Coyocoya (Illustrator)
Goal: $99
End Date: July 18 
Goodies: Get the comic for $9, the SCP clearance cards for $5, postcards for $5, and at higher tiers get pins, coins, an SCP-999 patch and much more.

When Day Breaks is a horror tale about how this Apollyon Class Event affects Dr. Igotta’s life and everyone else’s. Nobody knows why the Sun has changed – it’s an anomaly, just like any other SCP.

Originally When Day Breaks  was published in the SCP DAYBREAK ANTHOLOGY and Gavriel ‘Discordia’ is extracting Coyocoya’s story so that even more fans can jump on the campaign. For good reason! When Day Breaks follows what would happen in one of their world ending scenarios and being able to not only explore that, but to bring it to life for fans of the SCP mythos is something no fan of the franchise can miss!

Become a backer here.


Creators: The77 comic
Goal: $3,523 
End Date: June 30 
Goodies: Get the digital PDF for $8, the physical comic for $12, an exclusive Kickstarter variant for $13, or at higher tiers get exclusive merchandise, t-shirts, past works and more!

LOLZ is a BRAND NEW comic and features loads of great strips, so whether you’re 7 or 77, LOLZ is the comic for you!

It’s not often that you see a Kickstarter actively trying to make comics for children. While LOLZ is designed to be enjoyed by people of all ages, we at The Beat think it’s fantastic to have a publishing company focusing on this audience of young readers. And who better to do it than the company that won the Best UK Indie Comic 2024 award? Whether you’re looking to introduce your kids to comic collecting or seeking new items for your own collection, this is a great place to start.

Become a backer here. 

Keefer Madness!

Creators: Keith Knight (Writer/Artist)
Goal: $4,750
End Date: June 28
Goodies: Get the digital PDF for $10, get the physical copy for $25, and exclusive merch!

That’s right! It’s been almost a decade since I’ve put out a collection of my long-running comic strip, the K Chronicles. There are several reasons for this: Raising kids. Global pandemic. Adventures in Hollywood.

Final call for Keefer Madness! Knight has been working on this series for over a decade, and it’s extremely popular. There’s a reason the campaign has 50 hours to go and has amassed over $16,000 of its $4,750 goal. You are guaranteed to get his work and receive some exclusive merch. Most importantly, you will be a part of a long-standing comic classic that others have loved for a long time. You won’t want to miss out on this campaign!

Become a backer here.

Skarr, Origins

Creators: Noam Belhadj (Writer/Artist)
Goal: $1,156
End Date: July 11
Goodies: Get the digital copy for $17 and the physical copy for $22.

Yo! My name is Noam, I’m 21 years old, and today I present to you Skarr, Origins, my first comic book project. Student in Illustration and Digital Art at MJM Graphic Design, this project is actually my end of degree project and will allow me to validate my year. I decided to go further by self-publishing it. 

So the first thing you’ll notice on this project, its all in French. That being said let that not discourage you from checking this project out! Belhadj’s art is phenomenal and as you explore the page you pick up on a lot of the work and effort that they have had to put into this project. To top that off considering this is a venture they took on their own, not only do you get a great comic out of this, you’re helping support an artist just starting out on their own.

Become a backer here. 

Claudia Christian’s Dark Legacies – The Compendium Edition

Creators: Claudia Christian (Writer and Co Creator), Staz Johnson (Artist Chapter One), Glenn Fabry (Artist Chapter Two), Chris Stokton (Artist on Back Up Strip), Matt Soffe (Main Colour Artist), John Charles (Back up Colours)
Goal: $6,500
End Date: July 25
Goodies: Get the digital PDF for $10, the physical comic for $16, the book with a signed bookplate by Claudia Christian for $66, and at higher tiers get variant covers, bundles, and more!

A hard hitting action Sci Fi romp from the mind of the Babylon 5 star with Chris McAuley and the pencils and pens of Staz Johnson and Glenn Fabry.

An exclusive deluxe collected edition of the first two chapters of Dark Legacies, this edition will never go on general release and will feature exclusive art and rewards for supporters including a brand new cover by Si Chinook.

The project starts off by saying that this book is perfect for fans of Babylon 5, The Expanse, and Terminator. With Christian at the helm its not hard to see why, the Babylon 5 star has partnered up with talents from Marvel, DC and 2000AD artists to come out with this story based on a new futuristic democracy coming out of a period of dictatorship. The protagonists purpose is to clean up what’s left of the previous regime. Its an interesting story, and from previews we are shown on the projects page its clear that there are some serious consequences. The campaign is well on its way to completion, and for fans of sci-fi, this is something worth checking out.

Become a backer here. 

Miss any of our previous Comics Crowdfunding Round-Ups? Check out the archive here!