The webcomics collective The CHemistry set has released their very own trailer/teaser:
But that’s not all, they’re also teaming with the FALLING SHORT film showcase:
Online comics collective THE CHEMISTRY SET is pleased to announce their affiliation with the FALLING SHORT film showcase, a bi-monthly screening of short films presented in New York City, home to several CHEMISTRY SET members. FALLING SHORT is a bi-monthly program of independently produced short films by up-and-coming directors from across the United States.
“The art of film and the art of comics aren’t so far apart on the creative spectrum, and this is a unique opportunity to support other independent artists and reach potential readers who wouldn’t normally seek out comics on their own,” says CHEMISTRY SET member Kevin Colden.
THE CHEMISTRY SET will lend promotional support to the film showcase alongside Mighty Healthy NYC, a streetwear clothing line, Nature Sounds, a Brooklyn-based record label, and Three21 Media, whose CEO Rik Cordero is programming the event. A trailer for THE CHEMISTRY SET, which will be featured at the showcase, can be found here:
Hi-res video:
DATE: Wednesday, October 25 2006
TIME: Doors open 7:00pm
PLACE: Novo (290 Hudson St. btwn Spring & Dominic)
FILM CURATOR: Rik Cordero (Three/21 Films)
MUSIC: Mad Ryan (MH) | Reason (Nature Sounds)
CONTACT: Rik Cordero 917 696 6437 (Three/21 Films) / Ray Mate 516 972
2517 (Mighty Healthy)