Tag: The Marvel Rundown
The Marvel Rundown: Is this Marvelous duo’s GENERATIONS one-shot a huge hit or a...
Marvel's latest publishing experiment, Generations, is about to come to an end. Generations is a series of one-shots featuring older and newer heroes of the same (or similar moniker) getting together in-story. The experiment...
The Marvel Rundown: A New Era of the RUNAWAYS Begins and GENERATIONS Continues!
The Runaways and Generations are both back this week along with a brand new installment of The Marvel Rundown! Are you ready to run?
Runaways #1
Written by Rainbow Rowell
Drawn by Kris Anka
Colored by Matthew Wilson
Lettered by VC's...
The Marvel Rundown: See Ironheart and Iron Man meet Face-to-Face in GENERATIONS: THE IRON...
Over the past couple of years, Marvel has been introducing lots of new characters to carry on Legacy monikers like Spider-Man. Instead of taking over the full Iron Man name, young Marvel Universe genius...
The Marvel Rundown: Winner-Take-All in the SECRET EMPIRE Finale!
This week over at Marvel it all ends and The Vanishing Point opens up. The publisher's latest crossover epic Secret Empire is coming to a big conclusion and it's everybody in the Marvel Universe versus Steve...
The Marvel Rundown: Glance into the Future of Marvel With GENERATIONS: THE THUNDER #1!
The writer forging the future of Marvel is getting a stab at Generations! Jason Aaron is joining the comic book madness of Generations to write Thor and tease the future of Marvel with the...
The Marvel Rundown: Logan and Laura return to Japan in GENERATIONS: THE BEST #1!
Marvel's Generations continues as AJ Frost and Alex Jones take a more in-depth look into the world of Wolverine.
The Marvel Rundown: Can Christopher Priest and Phil Noto Redeem the Inhumans?
Marvel's busy last few weeks continue with more Generations. This week we're seeing double in the Generations one-shot featuring a tale of the older and younger Jean Grey! To make the publishing line even...
The Marvel Rundown: Marvel’s Past and Present Collide in the Debut of GENERATIONS!
After months of waiting, Generations is finally here! We catch up on a tale of twin Hulks and get the lowdown on the optimistic side of the Marvel Universe you've been waiting for. Don't...
The Marvel Rundown: Where in the World is Steve Rogers?
We're officially marching towards the end game in Marvel's Secret Empire event. The big storyline that pits Captain America against Earth's Mightiest Heroes has been a thrilling exploration into one of the Avengers greatest fears! Discovering...
The Marvel Rundown: ASTONISHING X-MEN #1 is the X-Title You’ve Been Waiting For!
Even though there are some great fringe books in the X-Men line with series like Generation X and X-Men Blue, there hasn't been a flagship title to point too and universally praise. With Marvel...
The Marvel Rundown: The other Miles Morales’ Homecoming Begins in Spider-Men II #1!
Did you see Spider-Man Homecoming? We did and it was awesome. Marvel is delivering on that Spider-Man high this week with Spider-Men II #1 giving readers what they've wanted since Miles Morales came to...
The Marvel Rundown: Where Gods Dwell and Mercs Smell
This week on The Marvel Rundown we're checking in with Deadpool who seems to have killed the Marvel Universe, I guess this is his second time that he did that? I'm not really sure....