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Tag: The Beat

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/19/13 – Sexual Harassment Edition

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/19/13 – Sexual Harassment Editionhttp://ift.tt/1de5ror Tweet Oh lord, I am so tired of this and you probably are too, but here goes. § LJ user Beccatoria has a summary of Our Story...

Advance Review: Snowpiercer – The Escape

Advance Review: Snowpiercer – The Escapehttp://ift.tt/17KA7cJ Tweet The film is already a smash hit in Korea and France, the uncut dystopian thriller earning rave reviews, and in January the award-winning French comic will be published...

Comixology now offering gift cards

Comixology now offering gift cardshttp://ift.tt/1f8VZTc Tweet Okay just in time for Cyber Monday and Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and I ate too much Sunday, Comixology has just annoucned they are making gift cards...

NEW webcomic alert: Thanos, Darkseid and Dr. Doom – Carpool Buddies

NEW webcomic alert: Thanos, Darkseid and Dr. Doom – Carpool Buddieshttp://ift.tt/1db0zAk Tweet Aaaaand Justin Jordan and Rafer Roberts have updated their mundane villainy series with a brand new epic — in which Crkseid and Thanos...

Dynamite Interviews: Brandon Jerwa Interviews Victor Gischler

Dynamite Interviews: Brandon Jerwa Interviews Victor Gischlerhttp://ift.tt/1gYycpU Tweet You may have noticed the interview chain Dynamite have sent spiralling around the internet these last few weeks, in which they ask several of their writers to...

Webcomic Alert: Coffee Talk with Thanos and Darkseid

Webcomic Alert: Coffee Talk with Thanos and Darkseidhttp://ift.tt/1daMjYj Tweet This has bene around for a while, but we never got round to posting it. Justin Jordan and Rafer Roberts have created a webcomic that has...

Gift Guide: Perfect Nonsense: The Chaotic Comics and Goofy Games of George Carlson

Gift Guide: Perfect Nonsense: The Chaotic Comics and Goofy Games of George Carlsonhttp://ift.tt/HV3tL6 Tweet Since all the Santa’s are in the stores and it’s christmas carols non stop already, I might as well start posting...

New Tumblr alert: Gagz by Lauren Weinstein

New Tumblr alert: Gagz by Lauren Weinsteinhttp://ift.tt/I1cFhP Tweet Lauren Weinstein has been posting a few gag comics. They are VERY NSFW, so NSFW that I could only post an excerpt from one. There are only...

According to a guy in a comic shop, and twitter, Seth Rogen is developing...

According to a guy in a comic shop, and twitter, Seth Rogen is developing PREACHER for AMChttp://ift.tt/18IXct1 Tweet So apparently the way entertainment news gets out nowadays is a guy walking into a comics shop...

Spotlight Cartoonist: Connie Sun

Spotlight Cartoonist: Connie Sunhttp://ift.tt/1hRPHcC Tweet Original If you like this comic, please consider making a donation. #call_to_action h4{padding:0px 5px;}

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/18/13: RIP Doris Lessing

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/18/13: RIP Doris Lessinghttp://ift.tt/Ic8dfn Tweet § Tim Gibson’s Moth City is a fine looking webcomic—it’a now running on Thrillbent— and Gibson talks some about the web/print paradigm shift here. It doesn’t...

Fialkov and Infurnari’s The Bunker is Coming to Oni Press

Fialkov and Infurnari’s The Bunker is Coming to Oni Presshttp://ift.tt/1ijxAu3 Tweet Back in August I was raving about this completely addictive creator owned comic from the Marvel maestro and indie hotshot team, and it seems...