Tag: The Beat
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/19/13 – Sexual Harassment Edition
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/19/13 – Sexual Harassment Editionhttp://ift.tt/1de5ror
Oh lord, I am so tired of this and you probably are too, but here goes.
§ LJ user Beccatoria has a summary of Our Story...
Advance Review: Snowpiercer – The Escape
Advance Review: Snowpiercer – The Escapehttp://ift.tt/17KA7cJ
The film is already a smash hit in Korea and France, the uncut dystopian thriller earning rave reviews, and in January the award-winning French comic will be published...
Comixology now offering gift cards
Comixology now offering gift cardshttp://ift.tt/1f8VZTc
Okay just in time for Cyber Monday and Black Friday and Small Business Saturday and I ate too much Sunday, Comixology has just annoucned they are making gift cards...
NEW webcomic alert: Thanos, Darkseid and Dr. Doom – Carpool Buddies
NEW webcomic alert: Thanos, Darkseid and Dr. Doom – Carpool Buddieshttp://ift.tt/1db0zAk
Aaaaand Justin Jordan and Rafer Roberts have updated their mundane villainy series with a brand new epic — in which Crkseid and Thanos...
Dynamite Interviews: Brandon Jerwa Interviews Victor Gischler
Dynamite Interviews: Brandon Jerwa Interviews Victor Gischlerhttp://ift.tt/1gYycpU
You may have noticed the interview chain Dynamite have sent spiralling around the internet these last few weeks, in which they ask several of their writers to...
Webcomic Alert: Coffee Talk with Thanos and Darkseid
Webcomic Alert: Coffee Talk with Thanos and Darkseidhttp://ift.tt/1daMjYj
This has bene around for a while, but we never got round to posting it. Justin Jordan and Rafer Roberts have created a webcomic that has...
Gift Guide: Perfect Nonsense: The Chaotic Comics and Goofy Games of George Carlson
Gift Guide: Perfect Nonsense: The Chaotic Comics and Goofy Games of George Carlsonhttp://ift.tt/HV3tL6
Since all the Santa’s are in the stores and it’s christmas carols non stop already, I might as well start posting...
New Tumblr alert: Gagz by Lauren Weinstein
New Tumblr alert: Gagz by Lauren Weinsteinhttp://ift.tt/I1cFhP
Lauren Weinstein has been posting a few gag comics. They are VERY NSFW, so NSFW that I could only post an excerpt from one. There are only...
According to a guy in a comic shop, and twitter, Seth Rogen is developing...
According to a guy in a comic shop, and twitter, Seth Rogen is developing PREACHER for AMChttp://ift.tt/18IXct1
So apparently the way entertainment news gets out nowadays is a guy walking into a comics shop...
Spotlight Cartoonist: Connie Sun
Spotlight Cartoonist: Connie Sunhttp://ift.tt/1hRPHcC
If you like this comic, please consider making a donation.
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Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/18/13: RIP Doris Lessing
Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 11/18/13: RIP Doris Lessinghttp://ift.tt/Ic8dfn
§ Tim Gibson’s Moth City is a fine looking webcomic—it’a now running on Thrillbent— and Gibson talks some about the web/print paradigm shift here.
It doesn’t...
Fialkov and Infurnari’s The Bunker is Coming to Oni Press
Fialkov and Infurnari’s The Bunker is Coming to Oni Presshttp://ift.tt/1ijxAu3
Back in August I was raving about this completely addictive creator owned comic from the Marvel maestro and indie hotshot team, and it seems...