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Tag: Long Beach Comic Con

LBCC Preview: Calling all comic fans to Long Beach Comic Con!

From the Space Expo to the GeekFest Film Festival, The Beat previews LBCC19.

IDW Announces a Convention Exclusive Rick and Morty Cover & Signing Schedule for Long...

Rick and Morty vs. Dungeon & Dragons: The Variant

This Wekend it’s the Long Beach Comic Con with Christopher Priest, Twin Peaks and...

The 10th Anniversary Edition of the Lonch beach show is this weekend, and The Beat will be there.

EXCLUSIVE: Long Beach Comic Con announces Priest as Guest of Honor for their 10th...

The Long Beach Comic Con will be holding their 10th Anniversary show this September 8-9 and they're letting out all the stops. Run by MAD Event Management, LBCC is the kind of relaxed, comics-focused events...

Kris Longo joins MAD Events as Managing Director

It's a busy time behind the scenes in the convention space, with mergers, acquisitions, comings and goings. And here's another one: Kris Longo has joined MAD Events as Managing Director and will work with MAD president Martha Donato on strategically positioning the company for growth.

Sherilyn Fenn will be at Long Beach Comic Con

Twin Peaks siren Sherilyn Fenn, aka Audrey Horne, has joined the Long Beach Comic Con as a celeb guest. The show takes place September 2-3 at the Long Beach Convention Center. This is a medium sized show that has strong comics content with just the right amount of celebrities, all in a very convenient location. 

Long Beach Comic Con 2016: A Show Primed For Bigger Things

Eight years ago, Long Beach Comic Con held its inaugural show with the likes of the legend himself Stan Lee. Through a down economy and one weird name change, the show continues its steady...

The Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in Comics announces 2017 judges

Entering its third year, the Dwayne McDuffie Award for Diversity in Comics is a prestigious honor and a wonderful way to keep McDuffie's spirit alive. The judges for 2017 have just been announced, and entries...

Long Beach Comic Con and Captured Aural Phantasy Theater will re-enact the 1954 comic...

Captured Aural Phantasy Theater is an LA-based theater troupe that combines pop culture references with the stage, and they're bringing their brand of lunacy to this year's Long Beach Comic Con, which is coming...

Comics Beat to Host The Covers @ Long Beach Comic Con 2015

Comics Beat hosts its first panel at Long Beach Comic Con 2015 and we've got a Lollapalooza of a line up.

Kibbles ‘n’ Bits 9/29/14: Pow! Bam! Mainstream media gets literary comics!

OKAY PEOPLE LISTEN UP, here are two links that show exactly HOW FAR comics have come as an artform; two pieces in the two biggest papers in the two biggest cities in the US which handle the subtleties of two comics beloved among comics insiders with intelligence and nuance.
long beach comic con logo

Long Beach Comic Con Programming begins roll-out

The convention season never stops, and West Coasters will be enjoying the sights and sounds of the Long Beach Comic Con on September 27-28th at the Long Beach Convention Center. Now in its sixth year, LBCC...