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Tag: Hack/Slash Back to School

comic art of a light blue backdrop with Mabel dressed in a school girl uniform with a tie around the neck and a light blue academy jacket. Sitting at a school desk, there's a steaming can of something in front of her. She also wears a green beanie and has red dicks drawn on her face, as she is currently sleeping.

Review: HACK SLASH: BACK TO SCHOOL #1-4 is a tragic end for humble beginnings  

HACK/SLASH: Back to School Issues #1-4 Writer/Artist: Zoe Thorogood Publisher: Image Publication Date: April 17 Hack/Slash: Back to School reads like Stand by Me for Generation Z. That is, if the movie were set in a Final Girl...

Zoe Thorogood takes on HACK/SLASH in new four-issue miniseries

The four-issue miniseries will reveal an untold tale from Cassie Hack's past.