You know how Amazon will randomly discount some graphic novels for 99¢? It’s happening again and it’s two very random titles: one old and one not yet released.
First, the old one: Trinity of Sin – The Phantom Stranger, Vol. 1: A Stranger Among Us. Yes, the reboot of Phantom Stranger was tied into that whole “Trinity of Sin” thing spinning out of Flashpoint that didn’t really go anywhere. Written by DC Publisher Dan DiDio with art by Brent Anderson and Philip Tan.
I don’t think that many retailers are going to be upset about that one being on sale but the next one, they might. The next one, however…
DC Super Hero Girls: Out of the Bottle is the latest installment of the YA graphic novel series that’s very popular in bookstores, but not as many Direct Market retailers carry. Oh, and it’s not out until August 2018. That’s a 99¢ pre-order. A bargain for the consumer, but the same kind of undercutting that got Marvel a lot of retailer complaints when this sort of thing was going on back in April.
very interesting article. thanks for sharing wonderful article.
DC has apparently fixed this (thanks to the story), and it sounds like they didn’t know, nor authorize this.
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