Ragnell and Kalinara were there. We’re hoping they’re not in the above photo. Praying, really.

So was Johanna who has three posts. Along the way she has an unsourced report on Wizard making a high claim for the attendance at the show. 200,000 is the number given for the magazine circ, which may be where it came from.

Bendisboarders has a vague sense of discontent with the show and the guest line-up. Engineers enjoyed meeting and connecting, however.

We got some distress calls from pals at the show who were having a pretty bad time, and the Knuckles scene was reportedly much diminished. Although from pictures and accounts we’ve seen, Saturday was it’s normal busy self, Friday seems to have been peaceful to light. Kris Dresen has a long post at her LJ which paints a picture:

I rolled into Rosemont around 1:45PM on Friday and immediatley wondered if I’d had the dates of the con wrong. In previous years it became very evident that the comic convention was in town the moment I crossed through the intersection of River Road and Higgins. There’d be clumps of sweaty fanboys ambling towards McDonald’s with their over-filled backpacks and bulging plastic courtesy bags looking to refuel before heading back for more nerd-dom. But the sidewalks were empty. As I came within view of the Rosemont Convention Center there weren’t the usual throngs of geeks darting across the road to the convention hall while the Rosemont police assigned to traffic duty hollered at them. It was a ghost town.

(Read the rest of the post for Kris’ rediscovery of Epic Magazine and Star Wars magazine.

In the end, viewed from the home base, the show seemed light on news, more of an epilog to San Diego than a direct-to-dvd sequel. Really, WW Chicago is a major regional show, but any pretense that it is even in the same league as San Diego’s multi media Conmageddon is silly.


  1. I’ve been hearing San Diego’s becoming too Hollywood as of late. Chicago seems more about the comics. I do think Chicago would benefit more if there was more “breathing time” from San Diego, however.

  2. No, neither of us are in there. We were both wearing those blue polo shirts all weekend, and I’d appreciate seeing any pictures of us that may pop up online.

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