Dear Alex Billington of writes to let us know that he’ll be covering San Diego’s multi media news via Twitter. Wasn’t it only a few weeks ago that we wrote this

2008: On a panel at San Diego, Heidi MacDonald says she really doesn’t like Scott McCloud and has just been being nice to his face all these years. Luckily, since there are 10,000 blogs, podcasts, video blogs and movies about the show, no one ever really notices.

Imagine everyone Twittering about San Diego.

IT WOULD BE JUST LIKE BEING THERE. Only you wouldn’t be waiting half an hour at the railroad tracks. But you also couldn’t eat a fish taco. So…it’s a trade-off.

UPDATE: Great here’s another Twitter-con: Marvel’s Agent M.

UPDATE UPDATE: Okay Rich Johnston is doing the one you really want to read. To participate:
Email yours to [email protected], text them to 0 (1144) 7801350982 or AOL IM to TwistRich


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