For months, nay years, The Rock, Duane Johnson, has been hinting that he would love to play either Shazam or Black Adam in a not-really-announced-but-we-kinda-know-they-are-going-to-do-it Shazam movie. I guess Hercules just wasn’t enough for him, movie-wise. And now via Twitter, he announced that it’s Black Adam, an older version of Shazam from the days when Egypt was the center of civilization. Black Adam is often a villain these days but he’s a classic anti-hero.

rock black adam

Here’s a fan-made version of Johnson as Black Adam that seems fairly representative.

Still known where and or when Black Adam will debut in the DC Cinematic universe — maybe the Bats v Supes pre JLA launch?

Also, one more thing. If you’re going to make a Shazam movie—a Shazam Movie WITH THE ROCK IN IT—good luck not having any humor in it, Warner Bros.


  1. “Also, one more thing. If you’re going to make a Shazam movie—a Shazam Movie WITH THE ROCK IN IT—good luck not having any humor in it, Warner Bros.”
    Beat me to it. Johnson has a flair for comedy and he’d have done so well as a kid trying to drive around a hulking meatsuit of a body. But unless this looks like absolute poo out of the gate, I’ll probably go see it and cross my fingers that some fun manages to creep in past the gatekeepers.

  2. “Why don’t you take that lightning, shine it up real nice, and stick it straight up your blah blah blah..”

  3. My dream for this was for the Rock to pull an Eddie Murphy and play every role in this. Adam, Shazam, Billy, Mary, the Wizard, Sivana, Talky Tawny. It would be amazing.

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