Comixology releases Delcourt comics via their Soleil imprint, featuring the finest creators and the best comics this side of the French publishing house. This week see’s a lot of diversity amongst the titles offered including The “Modern” Daya look at one male’s sex life that is now burned into my memory. As we told you last week, you should be reading…here’s why;

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The “Modern” Man

Writer: François Bégaudeau

Translator: Edward Gauvin

Artist: Clément Oubrerie

Colorist: Clément Oubrerie

Thomas keeps trying to pick up women, but is summarily rejected.

He has not yet understood how feminism has changed the world; the women he meets are now quite direct and demanding, and his technique – whether it be in the street, in line at the movies, or pretending to do surveys – is utterly out of date. Little by little however, he begins approaching women with a bit more delicacy and decency, but he still finds himself in awkward, impossible situations…

Thomas, the protagonist of this title is hardly what the average woman would consider an “alpha male”…yet this story perceives Thomas as someone who does meet many beautiful women on a consistent basis. His self-esteem may be low, but Thomas is doing something right despite nearly everything in this story seemingly turning negative for the 20-something male. Translator Edward Gauvin has been working on translation materials for over a decade — he adapted a Blacksad novel previously. Clément Oubrerie’s illustrations perfectly depict the life of Thomas as he stumbles through France in search of a female muse. François Bégaudeau’s writing is so real that it hurts. As a newly turned 20-something who also doesn’t identify as an “alpha male” this comic book got deep underneath my skin.

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The Curse of the Wendigo #2  

Writer: Mathieu Missoffe

Translator: Edward Gauvin

Artist: Charlie Adlard

Colored: Aurore Folny

The Great War, July 1917. At an isolated stretch of the Front, French and German soldiers kill each other in an endless carnage…

The night air is rent by sentries’ screams. Everyone in the French camp thinks it’s a trap laid by the enemy, but soon they hear screams from the German lines… With both factions being hunted, they are obliged to declare an uneasy truce and send a team of men to solve the mystery. With them goes What, a Cree Warrior, one of the 12,000 Indians in the U.S. Army, and the only man who knows what’s waiting out there…

Nothing to see here. It’s not like there’s anything special about this comic…wait…is that Charlie Adlard? Never mind, this Delcourt series is about a Great War in something of an alternate history story. Walking Dead creator Adlard is on top of his game here, and seeing his artwork colored by Aurore Folny is thrilling. The palette utilized by Folny is reserved and able to subtly catching the great bits of the story. With author Mathieu Missoffe fresh off of a previous title with Corpus Hermeticum, Curse of the Wendigo looks to see an interesting use of the medium via the Soleil imprint at Comixology.

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Promethee #2: Atlantis 2/2

Writer: Christophe Bec

Translator: Edward Gauvin

Artist: Christophe Bec

Colorist: Sébastien Gérard

As the threat of Apocalypse hangs over the whole planet, it would seem that the future of Humanity has plunged into obscurity… presaging the worst for our civilization.

This is going to be a persistent issue in this column…especially as the words change intention between different languages, but this story is crammed with the aforementioned dialogue and word balloons. Promethee sets up an interesting setting and tense interactions between the different characters in the story, it is ultimately a light first issue that seems like it could definitely be heading towards a grand climax. Artist and writer Christophe Bec’s interiors remind me of Michael Gaydos’ work on Alias as the series features rigid linework and subtle shifts in movement between the various characters interacting with each other in the story. I think this could develop into something even better in exploring further installments of the issue.

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Spin Angels #2: Operation Judas 2/2  

Writer: Jean-Luc Sala

Translator: Christina Cox-De Ravel

Artist: Pierre-Mony Chan

A 2000 year-old secret could shatter the power of the Vatican if it came to be revealed. And some are ready to kill to know it…

To settle an old debt of honor, a Godfather in the Mafia puts his best killer at the disposal of Vatican. Angelo, a whiz kid with a gun, is hired by a powerful Cardinal, who’s overseeing the execution of the Church’s most discreet black-ops specialists and spies.

He will be the guardian angel of a young and beautiful investigator. Their mission will lead them to Jerusalem, in the Holy Land, and an ancient mystery.

Spin Angels has a highly original concept in how the piece explores the Vatican. A thriller with religious undertones is uncharted territory for the comics medium — especially one with art that is as expressive and stylized as this thanks to Pierre-Mony Chan. The comic is lighter fare even with the dramatic implications present within the writing of the story. This makes an interesting juxtaposition between the works of fiction present in writings such as The Manhattan Projects versus the pleasant art depicted in the story. Author Jean-Luc Sala and translator Christina Cox-De Ravel keep the narrative engaging, even if they do have a slight tendency to cram too many words in a panel.