While not as bloody an incident as the 2010 stabbing, this year the fever pitch of Hall H at Comic-Con was again marred by violence when Welsh actor Rhys Ifans, who plays the Lizard in the upcoming Spider-Man movie, got into a scuffle with a security guard, which resulted in a citizen’s arrest by said guard.

The incident was said to kick off when Ifans, who might have had a tiny bit to drink that afternoon, him being Welsh and all, went outside for a smoke with his entourage, and upon trying to get back in, found his entourage didn’t have the proper credentials. After a shouting match with the guard, Ifans reportedly gave her a shove, went on stage looking pale and rattled, and upon getting offstage, was arrested.

However, the charges won’t stick. Police were unable to find enough evidence for an indictment.

Gina Coburn, a spokeswoman for the San Diego Office of the City Attorney, said: “After reviewing differing witness accounts, our prosecutors concluded there was not sufficient evidence to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.”

This event is part of a whole new theory we’ve developed for San Diego, namely that it’s now way more stressful for Hollywood types than for comics folk — after all we understand that getting our entourages anywhere without a badge or a wristband is impossible. Actors just aren’t smart enough to figure that out yet.

We’ve been assembling some other evidence to support this theory which we shall perhaps present to you before Comic-Con 2012.


  1. If entourages are outlawed, will only outlaws have entourages?!? :-(

    I fear for the future of our celebutards…

  2. Not comics-related at all, but Ifans was really, really good in Mr. Nice. Looking forward to seeing him as the Lizard, although I think Dylan Baker was a pretty awesome choice in the Raimi movies. Too bad we never got to see that play out.

  3. You automatically qualify as a reptile, lizard or otherwise, if you are a man and you shove a woman. Method acting!