Supergod 1
A new Avatar book by Warren Ellis And Garrie Gastonny . That cover is catchy, no?


  1. Ellis brings a lot of neat ideas to comic but seems to have problems with the finish – most of his comics just seem to limp to their conclusions.

  2. Provacateurs like Ellis are going to have to think up something else in the Bravely Shocking Imagery department…this one’s been beaten to death.

    I wonder if these brave iconoclasts would consider insulting….say…the Islamic faith?

    Then again, of course they wouldn’t.

  3. Yeah, because taking a stand against a religion that’s massively unpopular in this country would be really brave. I guess wimps like Ellis will be content referencing (because, um, how is this cover an insult?) the one religion that most drives western civilization. Wuss.

  4. It’s not an insult…it’s just boring. It no longer shocks…which is what I assume the point of it is. If Ellis wants to really stir the pot, take a shot at subject matter that’s truly been taken off the target list. In fact, did you hear about “The Cartoons That Shook the World”, that book published by Yale Press covering the furor over those Muhammad cartoons?

    Yeah, well the “brave” scholars at Yale press decided not to print THE ACTUAL CARTOONS IN THE BOOK for fear of reprisal. So if Ellis *really* wants to put his finger in the eye of organized religion, how about shot at Islam…or more specifically, it’s more radical strains?

    Don’t hold your breath.

  5. which is what I assume the point of it is

    Well that’s the thing, isn’t it? You’re LOOKING for provocation, when all that’s there is EVOcation.

    If it was Brandon Routh in a budgie smuggler, you wouldn’t bat an eyelid, would you?

    And when you’re talking about supernatural saviours dropping out the sky, or being washed up ojn a foreign shore, where do you turn, in the Abrahamic tradition? Muhammad? Or Magic Moses? Jacob of Canaan? Or Jesus of Joe’s?

    I mean, it’s not like Islam, as a faith, is so fundamentally defined by its iconography, is it? By the integrity of it’s brand identity?


  6. I have to say that I’ve seen so many crucifixions that the imagery by itself has no effect on me. Unless the image is placed within some context that sets up an emotional blow — cheap drama or inappropriate boredom?

    Warlock, crucified

    Above is Adam Warlock, crucified by the Man-Beast.

    Alien Crucifixion by Frazetta

    The Frazetta piece, “Alien Crucifixion,” is somewhat controversial — but why would it be any more blasphemous than Warlock’s crucifixion?


  7. If anyone’s wondering about artwork or photos depicting a crucified woman — there are a lot of such pieces, but the evocative ones are NSFW.


  8. Cover for Millar's CHOSEN

    Millar’s CHOSEN impressed Michael Netzer, at least:

    With the second installment of Mark Millar’s Chosen, due for release towards the end of 2006 and being discussed for a possible film venture, it is perhaps noteworthy to revisit the sharp contrast this series holds to other prominent treatments of the story of Jesus Christ within the entertainment world. One of the more ambitious such efforts from Hollywood in recent years is Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ, released in the summer of 2004, portraying in great detail, Jesus’ suffering during his excecution at the hands of the Roman soldiers in Jerusalem. [. . .]

    This is the legend understood today by the Christian world, as that of the rise of the Son of Satan, a fierce sociopolitical leader who will sweep the world with an age of peace and prosperity – and who must then be killed when he fulfills this mission, allowing immediately afterwards for the revelation and emergence of the True Christ Messiah whose presence in the world will bring an end to death, sorrow, hunger, pain and all undesirable things in the world.

    Mark Millar appears to have come to the understanding – and explored in Chosen – the possibility that these two dual roles are the two sides of one and the same coin.