If you have been looking at comic art posts on the internet for long, you have probably at some time admired the intricate and imaginative illustrations of cartoonist Ulises Farinas and thought “How does he do it? Well, here’s how, in a detailed post on drawing a cover for Zupi magazine:

These are “finished” pencils for me. If you notice, there are some areas that are either blank or simply indicated with a few lines. No windows, blobby spots for creatures on rooftops, etc. I have a couple of reasons for not drawing those things, the main reason is a pencil can’t draw the lines i need when i get very tiny details. It will just be blurry and too many lines to follow makes inking more difficult. For some detailing, i simply have to figure out as i ink. Windows are different, i dont draw them, to keep the page clean. I dont like seeing too many lines, because i need to decide which lines are most important, and windows can sometimes just be indicated, not completely drawn, if they sit below another element on the page. Also, with the density of my inks, if i tried to match that with pencils, my pages get really grey and ugly.

Check link for bigger images and a chance to play “Spot the character.”


  1. @Ulises: I’m impressed! May I ask if it’s it by choice or habit?
    I switched long ago to all digital and I couldn’t see myself going back to paper for commercial art production.

  2. Well, it’s just not as fast or precise as using a nib. Also, i find that you can’t make fortuitous mistakes, all mistakes just become plain mistakes. Occasionally though, i will draw digitally for corrections or small changes/additions. Such as the robo-dog in the above drawing. So i guess it’s a choice and a habit.