12525IsadoraduncanlgICv2 breaks the news of more reality comics from Hill and Wang, who had a bestseller with their graphic version of the 9/11 Commission report

This fall Hill and Wang is continuing its tradition of releasing reality-based graphic novels with The United States Constitution: A Graphic Adaptation by Jonathan Hennessey and Aaron McConnell and Isadora Duncan: A Graphic Biography by Sabrina Jones.

ICv2 also reports that Josh Neufeld’s webcomics A.D. New Orleans After the Deluge will be published by Pantheon in August 2009. The strip, dealing with the events surrounding Hurricane Katrina, is currently being serialized at Smith Magazine. It’s the second Smith webcomic to get a book deal, following Shooting War by Anthony Lappé and Dan Goldman.


  1. Old news from Hill and Wang… it’s in their Fall catalog, came out a month ago.
    and more interesting are all the academic press titles, from publishers not known for academic graphics.