
Although the comics industry seems to be hitting a rough patch, one thing that I noticed at last week retailer summit is that a bunch of people have just been hired as staffers to actually work in the comics business! And interestingly, many of them are working directly with comics retailers. I think if you’re going to invest money in your business at a time like this, investing in new employees who work directly with the people who buy your products is a pretty smart move. Here’s the new faces:

• Boom has hired former retailer Sam Kusek (left) as Direct Market Representative to work with retail accounts. Prior to joining Boom, Kusek was Events Coordinator at Comicazi in Somerville, MA

• Image has hired Jeff Stang, formerly of the Laughing Ogre, as Direct Market Sales Representative.

• Based on my inbox, Image also hired Briah Skelly,, formerly of Books Inc, as Publicity Assistant.

• Valiant hired Andrew Steinbeiser as Marketing Communications Manager, from Comicbook.com, following a popular trend of hiring marketing people from the ranks of comics website writers.

• A new person was also hired at Dynamite, but he (or she) remains a shadowy figure about whom little is known. I am just kidding, I didn’t meet him (or her) but hopefully someone will put the name and title the comments. Or else I made up the whole thing.


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