It’s here! The worst week of the year! You’ve been planning your San Diego Con activities and events for about 50 weeks but you have just ONE WEEK to get it all done. Sweet, right?

We’re surprisingly calm and collected for Hell Week this year. The Beat has been shopping, doing the laundry, working out, cutting out fried food and engaging in several “mini-marathon” drinking sessions, because you have to build up to the big one, right? We’re especially concentrating on “getting a second, third and ninth wind” sprints, because like everyone reading this, we’re pretty much already exhausted.


  1. I’ve decided to be tee total this year. Only club sodas for me.

    I know that many of you out there would like nothing more than to see me fail however, so feel free to try, by buying me alcoholic drinks…

    Well, worth a try.

  2. I’m giving serious thought to carboloading on pasta the day before booth set up, like marathoners the day before a race…

  3. Hmm, it’s nice to just be a fan. The only prep I need to do at this point:

    – Figure out what books I’m bringing to get signed. I pulled a bunch out of storage, but I don’t think I want to carry them all around in my backpack.
    – Pack

    Well, and set up an internet plan for my phone, since I’m hoping to do some blogging from the floor and not just when I get back to my hotel room.

  4. Things are running well here so far. We’re all really excited over here at the magazine. We just went on line for ordering yesterday, which has us jumping up and down. My link will tell you where all our action is at. Click it, go to the blog, and say hi.
    Heidi, I’ll keep some carrot sticks on me, so you can hit me up.

  5. One year I didn’t meticulously prepare. I ended up pulling a muscle while working my way through Lee Hester’s spinner rack. A child stood on my convulsing body and snagged that copy of Destructor #2.

    That same weekend, when Eddie Campbell walked up to me in a bar, instead of talking to him — like I had practiced over and over again with my life-sized cardboard Eddie Campbell standee — I freaked out and set him on fire.