
A week away from Stately Beat Manor always results in some meta.

§ You may have noticed more contributions by other writers here; of course Todd and Torsten have been tearing it up for a while, but we’ve also introduced columns on reprints and future comics. We’re open to other contributions and columns but they should be informative and focused, not random comics reviews type things. The reality is that this is a personality-driven site, but there’s way too much going on in the world for one person to cover. Email us at comicsbeatinfo at gmail.com if interested.

§ Are you attending a comics convention, anywhere in the world? We’re looking for first hand reports of shows around the globe. Same rules apply. Same address: comicsbeatinfo at gmail.com.

§ The Beat recently got a boost in Google indexing and now appears in more news indexes. This has led to a LOT more commenting from people outside the usual peanut gallery. And some of these comments are…not very informed. I have resisted stringent modding of comments or Facebooking comments because I am a Webbe Olde Timer, and believe that sometimes the best information comes from people who never posted before or can’t use their real names, for whatever reason. I realize this is very much a Web 0.9 idea but…well, there ya go. Plus I hate Facebook, as I believe it is a money sucking, privacy invading corporation and not my friend. Like, I wouldn’t turn to AT&T or Microsoft for commenting either.

I’m proud of the smart discussion that takes place, and informative comments that come from readers and industry figures at this site. BUT I do realize that there is probably more chaff in the comments than before. Since I don’t have time to really police the comments, I’m going to rely on community standards. If you feel a comment has gone over the line, feel free to ping me at comicsbeat at gmail.com. That’s a different email than above.

§ FINALLY, after some crashes due to more traffic, I’m pretty sure the problem was with the WordPress database, which I’ve repaired. But my web team at Smartbomb are going to be doing some tinkering and fixing things that have been bugging me for years, like why are the tags not on the front page, that kind of thing. So if you have suggestions for improvements…can you guess which email to use? Yes, it is comicsbeat at gmail.com.

PS: Vietnamese Instant Coffee.


  1. Hey, can we get an air hockey table for the break room? I’m getting bored with the Lord of the Rings Pachinko machine.