On the “authority” scale, the idea of New Yorker cover editor Françoise Mouly launching a blog about New Yorker covers and art would rank….very high. And so Blown Covers, which she describes as a personal blog. Although it’s unafiliated with the New Yorker, she’s holding weekly themed New Yorker cover contests and is “always on the lookout for good ideas and great artists.” So yeah, this is an audition.

This week’s theme is the idiom “In like a lion, out like a lamb” and submissions are open until Thursday at noon, along with four examples of past covers inspired by the phrase, including this beauty by Lars Hokanson/Frances Cichetti, and one by Art Spiegelman. The contest is definitely open to comics artists, so knock yourself out!

Other weekly features include artists spotlights, inspiration posts, and so on.

Need we say…bookmark?


  1. Well, I gave it a shot. Didn’t even make it into the runner-up category, but maybe next time (it sounds like it might be a recurring thing).