It seems that all these comics blogs have recently sprung up that are really comic book movie blogs. And when you throw in all the movie blogs and websites there already were, and all the comic book blogs and comic book message boards and so on, everybody is taking every dumb red carpet utterance by some Z-list celebrity as a Rumor To Be Investigated. So with no further ado, here’s our handy Movie Casting Rumors Debunking FAQ:

Will Smith is NOT Captain America:

Hey folks, Harry here to restore your faith in the world – Multiple sources from MARVEL have confirmed that Derek Luke, of Spike Lee’s MIRACLE AT ST. ANNA, doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to Will Smith and CAPTAIN AMERICA. Marvel never offered the part, nor did they approach or entertain a conversation about Will Smith for CAPTAIN AMERICA. That said – I’m sure they have a few parts that they’d like him for, just not Captain America.

So there ya go. They haven’t gone insane and we don’t need to be confused, angry and scared about it anymore.

Philip Seymour Hoffman is NOT the Penguin:

“No one has talked to me about it ever — never,” replied Hoffman. “It happened, like, five years ago, too. It was a rumor back then and it’s still a rumor. [laughs] It’s just in the press. It’s funny.”

Cher is NOT Catwoman. Actually, that never got really debunked, but it wasn’t ever anything but some kind of crazy made up rumor anyway.

More details as they come in.


  1. I don’t understand why it would be insane for Will Smith to be Captain America. I think it would be interesting and it would be a guaranteed box office hit, pulling in mainstream audiences that just looooooove Will Smith.

  2. do not want big willie cap. buut with the right direction he probably could pull it off. but still do not want.

  3. It depends on when the movie’s set I suppose. I really don’t think it’d be very realistic for the US government in the 40’s to name an African American their “Captain America.” It could make for a really interesting movie if they actually addressed that though. But knowing it’s a Marvel movie, there’s no way in hell it would ever be that daring or challenging. Look at FF. That movie should have been set in the 60’s with as much gonzo Kirby stuff as possible. But no, they had to make it “cool” and “contemporary.”

  4. “I don’t understand why it would be insane for Will Smith to be Captain America. I think it would be interesting and it would be a guaranteed box office hit, pulling in mainstream audiences that just looooooove Will Smith. ”

    Either that’s a joke or this person works for a major movie studio.

    Will Smith wouldn’t even be a good choice to headline TRUTH: RED, WHITE, and BLACK.

    Hopefully, whoever is in charge of the Captain America film is smart and trustworthy and won’t make a huge mistake in the casting. Someone like Christopher Nolan… I HATED the choice of Heath Ledger as the Joker, but I knew I wasn’t there during his audition and I trusted Christopher Nolan to make the right choice. Turns out it was an excellent choice, after all.

    We can only hope Captain America is in similarly good hands.

  5. The title and first picture made me think that someone was going to make a Shade, the Changing Man movie and Cher would play Lenny.

  6. Anun, I agree.

    I think they could still do it, if they did a ‘dark knight returns’ version, with Cher playing Selina as a madame who uses her business to get/gain/pass on information.

    Selina doesn’t need to be a young lady in leather to be an interesting character.

  7. “Selina doesn’t need to be a young lady in leather to be an interesting character.”

    She does it you’re 13 and male.

    That aside, I’d love to see what can be done with her in the Nolan films. His take would be an interesting one, at the very least. Would also be interesting to see how Bruce would react to her (should she be flirtatious, as she’s known to be) so soon after some particular events of The Dark Knight. In all, and keep in mind that she’s one of my favorite characters, I’d be happy if the next film had only Two-Face as the villain. Nolan and everyone involved with the film did such a good job with him that I’m eager to see what’s next, Catwoman or not.


  8. I first heard the Cher story in all places: the online “Transit TV” that they have on the Metro Rapid buses out here in LA.

    I knew that couldn’t be right.



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