§ Paul Di Fillippo on Betty and Veronica’s new look.

§ Beat pal Matt Hawkins is blogging about cel phones for Zedge, and it’s actually useful info. You can check out Matt’s usual ramblings here.

§ Disney hopes to enchant China with animated magic vegetable


Someone saw the monkey drinking from a pond about 11 a.m., Ebersole said. The black monkey, which possibly had a white face, then ran into some woods, Ebersole said. Dispatchers said the monkey is about 3 feet tall. A monkey can pose a dangerous situation because the animals can carry diseases like hepatitis, Ebersole said. And they can bite, Ebersole said. “Monkeys are not always nice like in the pictures and cartoons,” Ebersole said. Ebersole said the Jefferson County Health Department wants to capture the monkey because of possible diseases it could be carrying.

Ebersole said MANY things.

§A list of the top 160 books for teenage boys will be published today by the Education Secretary in an ambitious attempt to encourage them to read more for pleasure and keep up with girls at secondary school. Several comical tomes on the list.

§ Ted Rall’s blog was snooped on by NYPD.

§ Ed Cunard is blogging again.


  1. Darn. That education list is British, not American. BUT their government will be giving out free copies of the books to libraries.