With the Justice League movie on hold due to the writer’s strike, can anyone HONESTLY TRUTHFULLY SAY they were DYING to see a movie with Armie Hammer playing Batman?


A man for whom this is the ONLY extant picture on the internet?

Vulture had it best with their post ‘Justice League’ Movie on Indefinite Hold; Crappy Cast to Sit Tight for a While. Would audiences have accepted this Friday Night Tights cast of youthful nobodies?

And take supermodel Megan Gale as Wonder Woman. There are LOTS of pictures of Megan Gale on the internet, as she is quite famous in Australia and Italy and had a role in STEALTH. Some of these pictures are even safe for work:
At least she’s put on a little meat since then, and at least she’s tall.

Not that we have anything against unknown young actors getting a big break. But come on now. Turning the Justice League into a teeny bopper pic is not a good idea.


  1. I have imagined the Justice League as late 20’s or early 30’s superheroes and not teenagers. The teenaged approach would work great for Teen Titans and LSH in my humble opinion.

  2. I have imagined the Justice League as late 20’s or early 30’s superheroes and not teenagers. The teenaged approach would work great for Teen Titans and LSH in my humble opinion.

  3. But the Teen Titans are teens … it wouldn’t work … better to take an adult super-hero team and recast them as teens, that way some Hollywood hack can lay claim to “reimagining”” them.

  4. “Some of these pictures are even safe for work:”

    God, but I love it when you get all bitey. Marry me.

    Oh, and Armie? Is that short for Armen, by chance? Armen Hammer: A name made for porn.